CoolSculpting® is a leading non-surgical fat-reduction treatment that can help you meet your body goals.

CoolSculpting® uses controlled cooling to eliminate that stubborn fat that’s difficult to shift, even with diet and exercise. It has proven results that really last and can help you achieve your ideal look.

This fat-freezing procedure has been done nearly 8 million times worldwide, is performed in over 80 countries, and has over 100 peer-reviewed studies.

Treatment Areas

  • After spending nearly a decade trying to change stubborn areas of my own body. I had to learn everything there is to know about the technology. Men and women who seem unable to change trouble spots on their body despite their exercise and eating efforts are ideal for CoolSculpting®️. This technology uniquely targets that in a way a person isn’t able to through diet and exercise alone. Regardless if age, genetics, or a slew of other factors is impacting your ability to reshape your body, CoolSculpting®️ can help.

  • Results may be seen as early as 1 to 3 months after treatment. Full results from that session should be achieved within 12 weeks. Some patients require more than one treatment session to achieve their desired result. We schedule a follow-up appointment 3 months after initial treatment to assess results.

  • Many of our mom clients have had one or more C-sections. They are incredibly frustrated with the look of their abdomen and feel it is impossible to gain back their old body after a C-section. This can absolutely be true unless you get outside help from a technology like CoolSculpting®️ Scarring and uneven pockets of fat on an abdomen can leave moms feeling badly about their shape, size and body. Fortunately, once the C-section scar has healed- we wait at least 6 months and breast-feeing has stopped (if you chose to breast feed), we can proceed with CoolSculpting®️ confidently and know we can reduce the excess fat around the abdomen that just won’t go away. We love sharing our own client before and after photos of moms with C-sections so you can see what type of results to expect on your own body!

  • A little known fact: by the time you are 9-13 years old the number of fat cells you have is set. That’s right, you have the same number of fat cells you did decades ago. Well, then why do you now have fat when then you didn’t? The fat cells expanded. When we gain weight our fat cells expand; we don’t make new ones. And when we lose weight our fat cells shrink; we don’t get rid of them. So when we use CoolSculpting®️ to freeze fat cells, they die and then over 2-4 months flush out of the body. We actually got rid of FAT CELLS and once that happens you will not remake them! However, you must do your part. You still have fat cells that can expand and give you the illusion that you “un did” your CoolSculpting®️ results. This is why it is important to continue with whatever you are doing (or if you are just starting to eat healthy and exercise, continue ramping that up) so you can appreciate the results for a lifetime.

  • CoolSculpting®️ cost will boil down to 3 main factors. What area needs treating? How large is that area? How much fat needs to be reduced? Bodies are unique and not one size fits all, therefore your CoolSculpting®️ treatment plan will be unique to you. We are open and transparent and understand that you may want to know a range so you don’t waste your time. We’ve treated people for $600 and others for $15,000, a huge range, we know! One thing we can tell you, regardless of the cost of your treatment, we guarantee your results. Our consultations are always complimentary and pressure free. They are just an opportunity to map out your custom treatment plan, show you before and after photos and discover if CoolSculpting®️ is a good choice for you!

  • Many people, after seeing the results from their CoolSculpting®️ procedure, take even better care of themselves. However, if you do gain weight, you may gain it more evenly all over your body, not just in the treated areas.

  • For the vast majority of people CoolSculpting®️ is not painful or uncomfortable. However, there is a small subset of the population that do find discomfort both during the initial part of the treatment as the tissue cools, when we take the applicator off and do a 2 minute massage, and after the treatment is completed. For most it is nothing more than temporary stinging, tingling, cramping, and the short-lived sensation of pin pricks. If you happen to be the small percentage of people who find it uncomfortable, there is a medication that can be called in by our doctor to help minimize the discomfort. The discomfort happens when your nerve endings wake up in the days after the treatment. For most people this is not painful; for some it is. The medication is not a narcotic, but will help minimize the nerve pain. We communicate with our clients after the treatment and can easily be reached if the medication is necessary.

  • The applicator(s) will chill your unwanted fat cells to a certain temperature (around -9C) for a specific amount of time (35 to 75 minutes) and your body will tell those fat cells to die without causing damage to any other cells in your body such as nerve, skin or muscle cells. After the treatment ends, a 2-minute frozen fat massage will damage those crystallized fat cells, so the body can’t repair them. These damaged fat cells will die over a 2-3 day period, and then the dead fat cells will take 2-4 months to flush out of your body, leaving a more sculpted you! The skin is not negatively compromised (no loose skin), and the results are beautiful and lasting.

  • The vast majority of individuals have at least one area on their body that frustrates them and they would like to see less of. Although people really, really hate their fat and want it to go away, people always want to ensure any procedure they undergo is safe and effective and won’t cause them more trouble than their existing fat. Fortunately CoolSculpting®️ is FDA-cleared, non-surgical, no needles and totally non-invasive. There is little to no downtime and you can get back to daily activities right away. There are 100s of white papers written on CoolSculpting®️ and it is the world’s #1 non-invasive fat-reduction technology. As of 2019, the procedure has been done more than 8 million times and continues to gain momentum as it is safe, effective and allows individuals to contour, shape and sculpt their body in ways that diet and exercise have failed to do.

  • CoolSculpting®️ is effective each and every time you do a treatment. Depending on body shape, size, which area(s) you are treating, and what final results you want, we can determine how many times you will want to do CoolSculpting®️. We have 1000s of before and after photos of our own clients so it is very easy to show you results of those who look similar to you so you can determine which outcome is most attractive to you.

  • Following treatment, you may experience mild redness, bruising, swelling or numbness in the treated area. This should resolve within 1 to 2 weeks. The fat cell death is a small enough volume that your body breaks down the free fatty acids and triglycerides into harmless energy substrates, so there is no risk of elevated harmful lipids, heart disease or atherosclerosis as a result of CoolSculpting®️ treatment.

  • The science behind the CoolSculpting®️ procedure is called Cryolipolysis, which was developed by world-renowned dermatologists at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School. Their research showed that fat cells are naturally more vulnerable to the effects of cold than other surrounding tissue and structures and that fat cells exposed to precisely controlled cooling can be safely eliminated without harming the skin. This discovery led to the development of the CoolSculpting®️ procedure.

  • We have many clients who are fit! Each and every person is in their own body and often regardless of if you have a lot of excess tissue or a small amount, you want it to change. CoolSculpting®️ can address large or small pockets equally as effectively. Often when you are very fit, the last little bit of stubborn fat is even tougher to get rid of. Spot reduction for those who are really lean is often very difficult and the wide range of applicator sizes allows us to address the areas that frustrate you, large or small, beautifully! Lean people often want to sculpt and contour and CoolSculpting®️ is perfect for that!

  • The truth is, as we age, our bodies begin to change. Things that seemed so easy to accomplish in our younger days, eventually become more difficult. One of the most challenging things people strive to do is lose weight as they get older. There are a variety of causes that can contribute to this struggle. The loss of muscle, a declining metabolism, and other factors can all play a role. Continue reading to discover how these influences can affect your weight loss journey!

    Muscles contribute significantly to weight loss. The greater your muscle mass, the more calories you eliminate. In comparison to fat, your body burns more calories with muscles. So, having more muscles not only creates the appearance of a leaner body but also rids the body of fat. However, as you age, muscle mass declines through something called age-related sarcopenia. It results in decreased strength and muscle mass as you mature, and age-related sarcopenia is also supported by a lack of physical activity and poor nutrition.

    A Slowing Metabolism Affects Weight In addition to age-related muscle loss, your body’s metabolism also slows. Every decade following the age of 30, your metabolism begins to slow down by 1% to 2% or more. Thus, as you age, you will find that your body responds differently to your attempts at weight loss, and perhaps not in the ways you would like.

    Increased Stress Levels Contribute to Weight Gain As adults grow, we take on more obligations, and these responsibilities can cause stress. The more stressed you feel, the higher your levels of cortisol become. In moments of stress or even prolonged periods of it, your body released the hormone cortisol. It is the most present during dangerous, traumatic, or high-stress situations. With persistent stress and the continuous production of cortisol, this hormone can be deposited as fat cells throughout your body. Consequently, you will find it hard to lose weight and may even gain weight.

    You are not alone in your struggle to lose weight as you age. Many older people face the same difficulties, but the causes behind this weight loss challenge are generally natural. Don’t give up. Though you might not see immediate results with proper diet and exercise to counteract weight fluctuations, these are essential parts of a healthy lifestyle. But if you’re looking for something new to get the body you’ve always wanted, there’s something you should try! It’s called CoolSculpting®️. CoolSculpting®️ is a safe procedure that is helping many people who are struggling with stubborn pockets of fat that have crept on over the years and are fighting hard not to go away. It is an FDA-cleared technique that freezes fat away, eliminating the unsightly appearance of fat deposits. For individuals fighting sculpt, contour, reshape or debulk, CoolSculpting®️ could be perfect and provides substantial results that last forever.